Penpals Penpals Middle and High Schools Dianageorgiana September 29, 2020 Bonjour, je m’appelle Diana et je suis une enseignante de francais dans un lycee aux Etats Unis, en Illinois. On cherche des ami(e)s francais pour […]
Writting experience around common causes ! Writting experience around common causes ! Middle and High Schools MelissaG August 30, 2020 Hello ! I would like to find a partner and his/her pupils to get onboard a nice projet : My French pupils and your American […]
LF ESL/FLE teachers to collaborate on projects LF ESL/FLE teachers to collaborate on projects Middle and High Schools vperne August 20, 2020 Dear teachers, Vincent here from France. I am looking for partners to collaborate on various mini ESL projects this year. These are some of the […]
French Alps –> USA French Alps –> USA Middle and High Schools Anais05 August 3, 2020 Hi ! Our middle school is in the French Alps. We are looking for a partnership with an American middle school that would be interested […]
Penpals Penpals Middle and High Schools thibautchx July 27, 2020 Hi there !! I’m a middle school English teacher from Saint Pierre La Cour, near Nantes, France. Next year, in September I’ll have 6th (2 […]
Looking for penpals around the US Looking for penpals around the US Middle and High Schools MissI July 6, 2020 Hi there, I’m an English teacher passionate about the States as a whole. I would be delighted to share about our French culture and to […]
Hoping to exchange with an American Middle School Hoping to exchange with an American Middle School Middle and High Schools Audrey P. July 5, 2020 Hi there! I’m an English teacher in a small middle school in Migennes, Burgundy region of France, 20 kms from Auxerre and 150 kms South […]
Language and Cultural Exchange with LCE students Language and Cultural Exchange with LCE students Middle and High Schools acdelaunay June 29, 2020 Hello ! Next September, I’ll be teaching English to middle school students, aged 13, who chose a special course called LCE (European Language and Culture). […]
Correspondence and project for environment Correspondence and project for environment Middle and High Schools Miss Lavole June 27, 2020 Hello everyone. I m an English teacher near PARIS. I m in college with 12.13 years old students. I m looking for pen pals for […]
Looking for American penpals Looking for American penpals Middle and High Schools Christelle NICOLAS June 27, 2020 Hi everyone, I am looking for American penpals for the next school year. It would be a great opportunity for me and my students. They […]