And so it begins !


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Additional Info

School NameCollège Jean Mentel
GradeFreshman / 3ème
FieldArts - Design - Architecture / Art - Design - Architecture, Humanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues, Sports / Sport
ExchangeExchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Number of students21 to / à 30
Social media
Zip Code67600
Street4 avenue Adrien Zeller

Hi ! We are on our way to New York City !

Last year, we (25 pupils and 2 teachers) worked hard to create a musical about New York city : its immigration, the history of the tenement museum and the new musical genres that appeared there in the 20th century.
We were lucky to be able to perform our musical for a whole week in front of very supportive and appreciative audiences.
Now, it is time to visit and see everything we studied and talked about in class last year.
We will be in NYC from the 1st April to the 7th 2019.
If you are interested in meeting us, sharing a meal, showing us your school… just let us know! We are open to anything as long as it helps us discover NYC and its inhabitants.

September 26, 2018 3:54 pm

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