French 7th grade class looking for American class for class connexion


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Additional Info

School NameCollège Paul Dangla
Grade7th grade / 5ème
FieldHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
ExchangeVirtual Exchange / Echange à distance
Number of students21 to / à 30
Social mediae-mails
Zip Code47000
StreetRue Paul Dangla

I teach English in a middle school in the south west of France in a town called Agen, half way between Bordeaux and Toulouse. I’ m looking for an American class to start an exchange with my 2nd year English (12-13 years old). There are 24 of them, 15 boys and 9 girls. We could correspond via mails and send videos, interviews, photos etc and work on projects.

November 22, 2018 8:18 pm

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