French High School looking for an exchange partner from Baton Rouge


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Additional Info

School NameLycée Sévigné
GradeJunior / Première
FieldHard Sciences / Sciences dures et physiques, Humanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
ExchangeExchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Number of studentsMore than / plus de 30
Zip Code35510
StreetRue de la Chalotais

We are Guillaume Monnier and Thierry Salaün, physics and chemistry teachers in a school in Cesson Sévigné (France)
We teach in english for students who want to learn sciences in english, in a “european section”
We are looking for a long term partnership between our high school and a high school in your country.

During this school year, we have made an exchange with 2 schools in Baton Rouge (Episcopal High School and Central High School)

The French teacher in charge of the exchange in central will get married and move, so she can’t organize the exchange anymore

Nevertheless, Episcopal High School will continue the exchange with us (the feedback from Spree McDonald and Hugh McIntosh are extremely positive)

The contact in the school is :

Julien Prévost

World Languages Department Chair

Teacher of French Upper School

French Exchange Coordinator

The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge

3200 Woodland Ridge Boulevard

Baton Rouge, LA 70816

(225) 753-3180 x 1428

The project is launched, and has already been a great success (We were 10days in Baton Rouge in october 2017, and we have hosted the Episcopal and Central students during 2weeks in february)

The program for Baton Rouge in france is as following (you can also see it in the link) :

– 1 day trip to Caen (D-day museum, 1 cimetery, 1 beach)
Everything is organized the same day by the museum
– 1 day in St Malo and Mt St Michel
– 1 day to visit Rennes (historical visit of the old city) with a typical british evening (food, music, danses…)
– 1 day to visit the science university in Rennes and eventualy a factory
– and some days at school to attend lessons, to share with students…
Of course, week ends are with families

Baton Rouge was engaged in the project with some 20 students

But, we have 48 students in our school

So, we have sent 24 students in episcopal, and 24 in Central

As Central will not be able to continue,, we are looking for a new High school able to host 24 students

Our project is once every 2 years

As we have realised the exchange during the school year 2017/2018, we will make the next exchange during 2019/2020

Our project is to receive as guests the foreign students, and to be hosted by our pen friends in The USA. This project is wanted to be a durable and long term partnership between our colleges.

August 1, 2018 5:22 pm

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