Looking for an all-boy high school to partner with


Additional Info

School NameInstitution des Chartreux
Grade6th grade / 6ème, 7th grade / 5ème, 8th grade / 4ème, Freshman / 3ème, Sophomore / Seconde, Junior / Première, Senior / Terminale
FieldHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
ExchangeExchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Number of students11 to / à 20
Social mediahttp://www.leschartreux.com
Zip Code69001
Street58 rue Pierre Dupont

I am an English teacher working at the Institution des Chartreux, a prestigious private pre-k through post high school graduate school in Lyon, France that will celebrate its bicentennial in 2025.
My school has a rich tradition of exchange programs with schools all over the world, five of them already in the US. However, one of our partners cannot do our usual exchange this year, so I am looking for a school that could welcome at least 12 male sophomores in March / April 2025. We’ll be happy to welcome you either in June (as we do with our other partners) or at another time during the school year .
If you are interested, drop me a line so that we can connect.
s.laurentcarlini at les chartreux dot net

October 4, 2024 8:27 am

223 days, 23 hours

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