Looking for an American school


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Additional Info

School NameCollège Jules Michelet
Grade8th grade / 4ème, Freshman / 3ème
FieldHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
ExchangeVirtual Exchange / Echange à distance
Number of students21 to / à 30
Social mediahttps://etab.ac-poitiers.fr/coll-jules-michelet-angouleme/
Zip Code16000
Street5 rue Jules Michelet

I am an English teacher in a little middle school downtown Angoulême in Charente. We are gonna have an English elective next year and I would love my students to exchange with American students. We could, for example, send videos about our respective cities or students could exchange about things they like (fashion, music …).

Best Regards

Céline Guillet Pennell

March 27, 2022 8:52 pm

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