Team up with students who study industrial product design


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Additional Info

School NameLycée Rascol, rue de la République 81000 Albi
LevelL1 – CPGE 1 - DUT 1 - BTS 1 / Freshman, L2 – CPGE 2 - DUT 2 - BTS 1 / Sophomore
FieldEngineering / Sciences de l’ingénieur
Number of students11 to / à 20
Zip Code81000
Streetrue de la République

My students are studying design in industrial products. It is a post baccalaureate two-year course that leads to a BTS (an advanced technician’s certificate).
We could start with a virtual exchange that could be followed by a real exchange France/USA.
I think it would be interesting to exchange with students who follow the same type of classes.
Our school is a big school with nearly 2000 thousand students from tenth grade to vocational degree. It is situated in Albi, in the south west of France, near Toulouse. It is a historical town which is designated a UNESCO World Inheritage Site.

February 4, 2019 6:58 pm

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