Teacher / Mrs Claudia A. M. GAY


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Additional Info

School NameCollège Alexandre Corréard
Grade6th grade / 6ème, 8th grade / 4ème, Freshman / 3ème
FieldHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
ExchangeVirtual Exchange / Echange à distance
Number of studentsMore than / plus de 30
Social mediahttps://lewebpedagogique.com/mrsmiscellanies/ https://www.clg-serres.ac-aix-marseille.fr/spip/
Zip Code05700
StreetChemin du Château

I am a French teacher in a secondary school : Collège Alexandre Corréard, in the upper-alps, named after the journalist depicted on Delacroix’ painting Le Radeau de la Méduse.
I graduated in French & English Literature. I teach French language & Literature to students aged 11 to 15.
I would love to tie links with fellow teachers and their students, to be our future penpals and exchange via facetime. We can use the email & the post.
Let us meet virtually and plan some exchange together !

September 18, 2018 5:32 pm

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