French Junior High looking for a US partner school!


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Informations complémentaires

Nom de l'écoleCollège Lucien Herr
Niveau8th grade / 4ème, Freshman / 3ème
MatièreHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
EchangeVirtual Exchange / Echange à distance, Exchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Nombre d'étudiants11 to / à 20
Média social
Code Postal68130
Rue8, rue de Hirtzbach

Hi! I teach English in a French Junior High School (students aged 11 to 15) located in the East of France, neighboring Switzerland and Germany. I lived and studied in the US for 2 years.
I’m looking for a US school that would be interested in having virtual exchanges (Twitter, FaceTime, Facebook…) and, why not, real ones later on?
My students are eager to exchange with pupils their age and I think we could develop a good partnership around themes we could decide together in advance (school, food, hobbies, US and French culture…).
Contact me if you are interested in sharing a bit of your culture and language with us!

septembre 20, 2018 8:31 am

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