French penfriends


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Informations complémentaires

Nom de l'écoleCollège Rouget de Lisle 39 000 Lons le Saunier
Niveau7th grade / 5ème, 8th grade / 4ème, Freshman / 3ème
MatièreHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
EchangeVirtual Exchange / Echange à distance
Nombre d'étudiants11 to / à 20
Média socialmail
Code Postal39 000
Rue21 rue des Ecoles

My name is Catherine Bouvier, I am currently a French teacher of English. I work in a ‘ collège’ in Lons le Saunier, a small city in the East of France. My pupils are between 11 and 16.
Every week, on Mondays, at lunch time I have a small group of pupils aged between 12 and 15 who are very much motivated and they have already written letters to introduce themselves, they would like to have these letters read by pupils from an English speaking country and then get some answers in French or in English. These documents are stored in my computer and I am wondering if a teacher of your ‘school‘ would be interested in making our pupils corresponding by mail. From my e-mail box to another teacher’s box for more security.
So my question is : Is there anyone in your school interested in having such an exchange?
Thank you for considering my message.
I am eager to have a positive answer from a person of your school.
Yours sincerely
Catherine Bouvier

mars 2, 2019 4:45 pm

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