Looking for a partnership


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Informations complémentaires

Nom de l'écoleLycee General et Technologique Schuman-Perret
NiveauSophomore / Seconde
MatièreHard Sciences / Sciences dures et physiques
EchangeExchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Nombre d'étudiants11 to / à 20
Média socialhttp://schuman-lyc.spip.ac-rouen.fr/
VilleLe Havre
Code Postal76610
Rue51 Avenue du 8 Mai 1945

I’m teaching English in Schuman-Perret high school in Le Havre and I’m looking to create an exchange with an American school.
I’ve been to the US several times and I’m used to working with teachers to create exchanges and partnerships.
My group of students is composed of sophomores who have chosen to take the option « Euro » We are working in English on sciences issues and it would be a real asset for them to participate in a project involving working with American students.
If you have any questions, or want more details, just email me.

septembre 10, 2018 1:31 pm

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