Looking for an American partner school for individual or group exchanges


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Informations complémentaires

Nom de l'écoleCollèges et Lycée Saint Joseph - La Pommeraye
Niveau6th grade / 6ème, 7th grade / 5ème, 8th grade / 4ème, Freshman / 3ème, Sophomore / Seconde, Junior / Première, Senior / Terminale
MatièreHard Sciences / Sciences dures et physiques, Humanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues, Social and Political Sciences / Sciences sociales et politiques, Sports / Sport
EchangeExchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Nombre d'étudiants11 to / à 20
Média socialhttps://college-lycee-saintjoseph.anjou.e-lyco.fr/
Code Postal49620
Rue50 rue de la Loire, La Pommeraye

Dear future partner,
Our school, composed of two middle schools and one high school, is located in a small village called La Pommeraye, at the heart of the Loire Valley in the North West of France.
Although we live in a rural area, we are open to the world. We have a long experience of student individual and group exchanges with our partner schools in Finland, Slovakia, Spain, Germany, Italy, Canada and Australia. Each year we welcome students from all over the world and our host families are more than happy to share their everyday life with them.
We would be delighted to start a new partnership with an American school, either for individual stays (6 to 10 weeks) or group exchanges (10 to 12 days).
Feel free to contact me for more details and see if we can bring new opportunities to our students.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards from France!

août 22, 2023 6:04 pm

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