Looking for partner school in the US


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Informations complémentaires

Nom de l'écoleLycée Jeanne d'Arc
NiveauFreshman / 3ème, Sophomore / Seconde, Junior / Première
MatièreHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
EchangeVirtual Exchange / Echange à distance, Exchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Nombre d'étudiants21 to / à 30
Média socialbattesti.sandrine@gmail.com
Code Postal20200
Rue15 boulevard Benoite Danesi

I am an English teacher at Jeanne d’Arc school in Bastia, Corsica.
We would love to engage in a mail/virtual exchange .
It could eventually lead to an exchange trip – approximately 25 students and two teachers.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

janvier 30, 2019 5:21 pm

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