Seeking an exchange with a US middle school


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Informations complémentaires

Nom de l'écoleCollège Saint Joseph
Niveau6th grade / 6ème, 7th grade / 5ème, 8th grade / 4ème, Freshman / 3ème
MatièreHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
EchangeVirtual Exchange / Echange à distance, Exchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Nombre d'étudiantsMore than / plus de 30
VilleLe Mans
Code Postal72000
Rue71 bis avenue du Général Leclerc

I teach English to classes of 4ème and 3ème in St Joseph, a Catholic middle school in Le Mans (Sarthe).
After having organised two school trips to the US a few years back and now that the pandemic situation is improving, we are very much interested in starting an exchange with an American middle school. We would love to welcome you and to go and visit you in the US. Do not hesitate to contact me if you would be interested in such a project.

janvier 4, 2023 8:07 pm

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