Seeking Zoom speaking partners (Elementary French): Historically Black University in Ohio, USA


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Informations complémentaires

Nom de l'écoleCentral State University
NiveauL1 – CPGE 1 - DUT 1 - BTS 1 / Freshman, L2 – CPGE 2 - DUT 2 - BTS 1 / Sophomore
MatièreCommunication - Advertising / Communication - Publicité, Vocational Studies / Etudes professionnelles, Engineering / Sciences de l’ingénieur, Hard Sciences / Sciences dures et physiques, Humanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues, Social and Political Sciences / Sciences sociales et politiques
Nombre d'étudiants21 to / à 30
Média socialZoom or Skype
PaysUnited States
VilleWilberforce, OH
Code Postal45384
Rue1400 Brush Row Road

Greetings from Ohio!

Central State University is the oldest Historically Black College/ University in the United States.

As the new French professor, I’m building the program anew, and would love to provide my learners with the joy of applying their French skills with speaking partners living in a Francophone country.

I’m seeking to create a mutually beneficial relationship with a Francophone institution, potentially with a classroom of English language learners, or students of American culture.

What I am envisioning is building into my Elementary French course (first or second semester) mandatory Zoom meetings for students with an English-language learner-partner,. Half of each session done in English, and half in French.

My French learners would be given tasks to complete with their partner, which they would report to back to me.

With a 95% black student population, such a partnership may provide English-language learners an interesting window into American culture during the tumult of 2020, from the perspective of African-Americans students.

I’m highly flexible regarding arrangements and very excited at the prospect! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if interested.

Merci bien-

Roger Anderson, Ph.D.

août 1, 2020 9:30 pm

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